Development Five-Abandoned House-Locks-Barriers-Long Exposure

For these images I wanted to photograph the locks and bars on the windows that had been left from the previous owners of the house in which my photographs have been taken so far. I wanted to portray the way in which the previous occupants of the house had lived, and what the locks may have represented. Furthermore, I wanted to develop my still life's further, experimenting with different angles and close-ups. 
I think this shoot has been successful in portraying what I aimed for, locks and bars from a variety of different angles and lengths. However, I don't think I am going to develop my photography any further on the use of locks and bars as I feel I have done all I can do in this one shoot, and any more I did would only look similar to this, therefore not allowing me to experiment or develop my project further. 

This image portrays what is assumed to be part of a window. The window is covered in a metal grid which has then been secured by locks as suggested by the gold lock attached to the metal pole running down the side of the window. The window is quite dusty suggesting the house has been abandoned for a long period of time, or the previous occupants didn't take good care of the house, possibly as a result of their mental health condition. 

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